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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When Baby Mamas Attack -- the SISQO Edition

This story actually broke back in July, but for those who missed it (because Sisqo is irrelevant to most people), here's a recap of what occured:

Dru Hill’Sisqo allegedly knocked up one of his 14 year-old groupies about a decade ago.  Her name is Jamila Ford and she’s still trying to get Sisqo to acknowledge her and their son Ian. Here’s what she tells YBF:
My name is Jamila Farid and I just came out with my life story ( in two major local magazines and news paper) regarding my son Ian, with Singer Sisqo. Our son is now 9 years old about to turn 10 in November. Of course the singer does not admit to his son and I am very tired of it. My goal is NOT to be famous or get rich of my story, but to finally have him to stand up to his son and stop denying it! I currently live in Switzerland and our son was concieved when Sisqo was here 10 years ago touring with Dru Hill. I am now 25 years old. I have been trying to get in contact with Sisqo or his people, but he keeps denying it, so my alternative is to just put it on blast untill he steps up. God bless him, but dear Sisqo it IS your SON! Thank you young black and fabulous for helping me and our son to get this case resolved.

Well now Sisqo's problems have just resurfaced as she's speaking out again and in more detail about what occurred the night she met the thong king.

She says the singer, real name Mark Althavean Andrews, has refused numerous tmes to take a DNA test – forcing Swiss authorities to declare he is the father in his absence.
Jamila, who gets by on £300 a week benefits, says she isn’t interested in Sisqo’s fortune – but wants Ian to meet his dad.
But the Swiss child support agency is trying to contact the RnB star to force him to pay £100,000 in backdated maintenance payments.
Sisqo was touring Europe in 1999 with his then band Dru Hill, when he spotted the pretty 14-year-old across the dancefloor at a nightclub called ‘El Cubanito’.
amila, who says she had just one drink, said: ‘He was standing by the bar surrounded by beautiful women.
‘But as I walked in with my friends he stared right at me. I could see he was interested in me.’  Sisqo made his way over to the schoolgirl, who was dancing with her friends, and began to chat her up.
‘He said I was very beautiful and asked to dance with me,’ she said.
‘He never asked my age and I never told him I was 14.’
She went on: ‘Later he sat and waited by the cloakroom and grabbed my hand when I walked by.
‘He asked if I’d like to go back to his hotel with him. I said yes straight away.’  At the hotel Jamila claims they had sex in the bed and insists Sisqo never mentioned using a condom.
‘We went back to his room, and we made love once,’ she said.
‘I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. They were a huge band at the time and I loved the Thong Song.
‘In the morning he was friendly and relaxed with me, but he didn’t say a lot.
‘I Ieft because I knew my mum would be wondering where I was.’  When Jamila missed her next two periods she nervously went to the doctor who told her she was ten weeks’ pregnant.
‘I was shocked and panicked,’ she said.
‘I made the doctor promise not to tell my mother because I didn’t know what to do.
‘Eventually I had to tell her. We’re very close and I knew she wouldn’t be angry, but I was so young, and terrified.
‘There was no question in my mind that it was Mark’s baby. I hadn’t been with anyone else at that time, although I wasn’t a virgin.’

The rest of the story is over at the Daily Mail.  Here's some pics she sent over of her son:

Hmmm you be the judge.

Ok so I have SEVERAL issues with this.  Let's see, where to begin.  Where the EFF was your momma when you were out clubbin at 14 years-old?  Parents really need to dig deeper and ask more questions when their kids say they are "going out" or "studyiing with a friend."  My next issue is that a 14 year-old girl was having sex.  I'm not saying I waited until marriage, but damn 14???  I can think of a billion other things a 14 year-old should have been doing other than having sex.  And let's not even get started on the fact that it was UNPROTECTED!  Ummm let's count all of the possible STDs and infections you can get from letting a man (and a celeb at that) hit it raw.  And Sisqo...why were you smashing random chicks at the club raw without even asking their name or age or anything?  And now look, you have some baby mama running after you for money.  

The theme for 2010 is to WRAP IT UP.  And please choose your baby daddies/ baby mamas wisely.  PLEASE.

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