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Friday, January 15, 2010

Interview Cakes -- Jay-Z Talks Kanye and MTV Awards

Jay-Z dishes on his feelings towards Kanye and his take on the MTV Awards drama in the new February issue of Interview magazine.  Peep this preview:

MITCHELL: What’s it like when you talk to Kanye West now? How are things different between you guys from what they were like when you first spotted him and he was producing for you?
JAY-Z: Well, he’s really more of a peer now. You know, before, he was more a new guy trying to get on—a fan of the music that I’ve made and my lifestyle—so things were a little different. But he’s an extraordinary person. He has these ideas and these things that he wants to do and places he wants to go, and he’s really passionate about them. He’s very sincere.
MITCHELL: Sometimes his passions ruin him.
JAY-Z: Yeah, which is great. I like that, man! I really do. I mean, no one’s walking around here perfect. Everyone’s gonna make mistakes. That’s part of how you learn. I think Kanye . . . Well, I know he said what he believed. He was telling the truth.
MITCHELL: To which event are you referring?
JAY-Z: I’m talking about the Taylor Swift thing. I just think the timing of what he did was wrong, and that, of course, overshadowed everything. He believed that “Single Ladies” [by Jay-Z’s wife, BeyoncĂ©] was a better video. I believed that. I think a lot of people believed that. You can’t give someone Video of the Year if they don’t win Best Female Video. I thought Best Female Video was something you won on the way to Video of the Year. But, hey, I guess it wasn’t—and that’s a whole other conversation about awards shows and artists.
MITCHELL: You seem to stay away from that awards show stuff for the most part.
JAY-Z: Yeah, because it ain’t about nothing. It’s cool. It’s acknowledgment. The fans get to see you, and you can do great by your record if you have a great performance or a great night there. That’s all part of the business. But at their core, awards shows are not really a sincere thing. You know, for a lot of years, the artists had to pay to play their own set.
MITCHELL: No kidding!
JAY-Z: Yes. That was the worst scam ever. I couldn’t even believe it. I mean, just now they’re starting to pay for half the sets and some awards shows pay for the whole thing. But this is just happening now—and it’s only because the record companies ran out of money.
MITCHELL: You’ve always had interesting takes on awards shows. I remember back in the day, you talked about the Grammys and said, “Well, they don’t take rap seriously, so why should I go? They don’t know what we do—and they don’t care about what we do.”
JAY-Z: It’s just honest, man—they really didn’t. I’ve always seen awards shows for what they are. For the awards show people, it’s about sponsorships—it’s not about recognizing anyone’sart, because if you get into the business of recognizing art, then you have to get it right all the time. You have to get it right. You can’t have the woman who wins Video of the Year not win Best Female Video. I mean, Herbie Hancock is great, but you can’t have him beat the Kanye album that year. I mean, come on, seriously. That can’t happen. That just lets me know that the people who get to pick these ballots just check the only name they know. I think that’s what’s happening with rap music now.
JAY-Z: I think it’s a bunch of people who don’t know anything about rap, and have probably never even heard a Kanye West album, are doing the nominating, and they say, “Kanye West. I know that name. That’s the guy who made the comments about the president that time! He’s nominated!” That’s how the process works, and I think that’s part of Kanye’s frustration. Me, I look at it for what it is. But Kanye is so passionate about it. I mean, the guy shot three “Jesus Walks” videos. Three. Two of them he shot with his own money just so he could get it right. He really cares about it. And then, back to the original point, his passion kicks in and he takes things too far . . . He doesn’t realize that that girl, Taylor Swift, is just like him. That was her moment. It wasn’t her fault. She didn’t do anything. It’s not her awards show. So he just did the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time.
MITCHELL: Did he call you that night? Did you guys talk about what happened right away?
JAY-Z: We actually had to fly out because we were doing Leno the next day, and he called and said he wasn’t getting on the plane. I knew he didn’t want to have the conversation yet. It’s more of a big brother relationship with me and him. But he came the next day, and we spoke in the dressing room. We had a nice, long talk. I think he did the right thing to face it and just move on. I say this all the time, but I think, at the end of the day, we’re gonna celebrate him for his passion more than vilify him.

I honestly thought the same EXACT thing. Now I'm no huge Beyonce fan, but how the hell do you win Best Video of the Year without winning Best Female Video?  It's like saying, "No little girl, you didn't have the best video by a woman, but you did however have the best video THIS WHOLE YEAR!"  Ummm...did I miss something?  Don't you have to have the best female video before having the best video in 09?  Hmmm...something seems shadyyyy...

Preggers Cake -- Christina Milian Froliking

The uber cute (and age-defying) Christina Milian-Nash was out doing her thing yet looking oh so pregnant.  I believe she's about 8 months now.  And wow @ those legs! She said at her baby shower about being nervous about labor:
“I am nervous about giving birth to the baby. That’s probably the most nerve-wracking part of it all. Every day I wonder, ‘What happens if she comes earlier than expected?’ But as long as Dream is right next to me, I’ll be fine.”
I hear epidurals are a gift from GOD!

Interview Cake -- Rihanna Says Chris Was Controlling

As we creep up to the one year anniversary of the Chris + Rihanna scandal, more tidbits arise regarding the details of their relationship.  Rihanna spoke with the W Magazine for their February issue stating:  

“There were control issues, insecurity. When people are insecure they become very controlling and they can get very aggressive and in turn abusive. It doesn’t have to be physical. Like they would say bad stuff to you to make you feel lesser than them just so they would have control in the relationship. It takes a big toll on your emotions and on your everyday life. It changes you.”

Rihanna said she found solace in her music when she wrote about the incident: 

“I started to go crazy after about a month in the house, so I went back to work, and the mic was my therapist,” she explained.
“With the mic, there were no negative comments, no negative energy. At first I completely shut down. But now I feel like this happened to me so I could be a voice for young girls who are going through what I went through and don’t know how to talk about it. It’s not about Chris, about hurting him or sabotaging his career. I don’t care about that part of it.”
On why she stayed away from friends and family immediately after the attack:
“It’s like they are too close to you. When you have to talk about something so painful, they are going to get too emotional. And that wasn’t helping me, because I already felt the same way and I’m looking to not feel like this. I felt like, If I’m going to tell you something and you’re going to have pity for me, then I’m not going to talk to you,” she said.

I do see these two moving on, dating other people, and working on their careers, so hopefully she will finally be able to leave that dark night in the past.  As for Chris, what he did was dead wrong, but a part of me wishes the public would forgive him.  But then I look at that picture of Rihanna beaten, and all my sympathy vanishes.  Either way, I wish them both the best.


I almost wasn't going to post this simply because I'm not much of a Kelis fan, but when I read the letter she wrote to PETA, I almost fell out my chair laughing.  Mainly because it seems we have the same sense of humor and sarcasm.  I like her a little bit more now.  Anyways, here's the juice:

After Kelis rocked this animal-friendly outfit, PETA got in her ass via a personal letter.  Now Kelis never struck me as the type to sit idle while someone pops off on her, and boy was I right.  She went straight to typing and got right back in their asses (pause) in much the same fashion I would.  Peep it:

Good morning all!
Ok, so you’re gonna love this. The other day I got a personalized letter from PETA! Lol so after some thought I’ve decided to write one back. Goes a little something like this:
There is no humane way to kill anything, let me start there. It’s unfortunate but it’s part of life. With that being said, I would eat pterodactyl if you found some and you told me it was meaty and delicious. And after doing a very minimal amount of research……. I found out that the founder Ingrid Newkirk is completely batty. I had a feeling but she far exceeded my expectations. I mean certifiably insane! Lol this chicks will is nuts, google it – it’s a riot! Beyond the fact that I think she’s a diabetic, which means she needs insulin, which is taken from lab pigs (I know this because my sister happens to be in veterinary school), which would be completely hypocritical. It’s like don’t abuse animals unless it can help me.
I feel very strongly about a lot of things such as the sweatshops that spin cotton and the blood on their hands. Btw it’s not just the look of fur. It’s warm as hell and feels glorious, ever rubbed faux fur on your body? Nothing luxurious about that. Then the letter proceeded to name artist and designers who don’t wear real fur. Great! More for me! I don’t judge them, don’t judge me.
If I started wearing endangered animals like polar bear or orangutan then talk to me. (Which btw for the record I would not – I do believe in the preservation of endangered species) But the minks and chinchilla that quite honestly are rodents and if weren’t in the form of a coat I would demand they be put to death anyway are not an issue to me.
The death of high fashion. Ugh.
I eat meat, and in fact my mouth salivates as I type the word meat! And the paint throwing that’s just ridiculous! What if I was hurling Loubitons and Pierre Hardy’s at every sad poorly dressed person on the street? As right as I may be it’s just fanatical and crazy. And people have the right to feel as they please. What about art? Survival of the fittest. Natural selection? No let’s just let all the rodents run free and over take our cities. Oh wait they have, NY and LA in particular are infested! Why don’t u save them all from scavenging on the streets and ruining my evening strolls, take them home. Make them pets! Get off my back! Pun intended!
Underpaid minorities picking your vegetables, now that’s fine for you right? Please, fight for their rights. How about the poverty in the communities of brown people around the world. She had the nerve to say (and I quote) “get over it” talking of the issue of black people and slavery in this country verses cows being slaughtered. Is she kidding me? Lol yes she must be. Actually, she’s lucky most black people have real issues to worry about in the U.S and don’t give a crap what her delusional privileged opinions are. But she should try saying that again just for kicks n giggles on the corner of Adam Clayton Powell Blvd in Harlem n see how well people “get over it” lol.
If u want to preach do it about something worthwhile don’t waste my time trying to save the dang chipmunk.
Find a worthwhile cause like the women being maimed in these Middle Eastern countries. Or female circumcision. Or women’s rights here in America, we still get paid less for doing the same jobs as men. Quite honestly if you hate the world so much go live in the forest where no one else has to hear you complain about the perfectly good food chain the good Lord created. Everyone has the right to an opinion, and that’s mine on that! xoxo

 Effin hilarious.  Although I do not condone wearing real fur.  Still funny as hell though.

Jail Cakes -- Gilbert Arenas Cops a FELONY

So Mr. Guns-Are-Fun Gilbert Arenas just got charged with felony gun possession after “joking around” with 4 of his handguns in the Wizards locker room with teammate Javaris Crittenton.  CBS Sports reports:
Prosecutors charged Arenas with one count of carrying a pistol without a license, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. The charges were filed in D.C. Superior Court in an “information,” a document that often signals a plea deal.
Arenas’ lawyer and the Wizards had no immediate comment.
Arenas, who has been suspended indefinitely by the NBA pending the investigation, has said he kept multiple guns in his locker at the Verizon Center. The three-time NBA All-Star said he wanted to keep them away from his children and didn’t know what he was doing is illegal.
He says he took them out of the locker on Dec. 21 in a “misguided effort to play a joke” on a teammate.
League officials have said the locker room incident stemmed from a card-game dispute between Arenas and teammate Javaris Crittenton on a plane trip two days earlier. At least seven Wizards players and coach Flip Saunders have appeared before a grand jury or been questioned by authorities.
Earlier Thursday, police searched for a gun at Crittenton’s apartment in Virginia but did not seize any evidence, according to court documents. It’s unclear what role Crittenton played in the incident and whether he had a gun. He has kept a low profile and has said he did nothing wrong.
This comes after being suspended indefinitely from the Wizards and watching his $111 million contract drift away into the sunset. Still laughing now Gilby? It's not funny when it's YOUR money, now is it?  
Ok but really, I don't think sending him to jail is really necessary.  I'm sure he's learned his lesson by being completely embarrassed, kicked out of the Wizards AND losing millions of dollars.  It's not like he hurt anyone, damn.  I kinda feel that way about Plaxico when he got sent off after shooting his damn self.  Some things are just punishment enough without even including jail time.  Just my opinion.

POP OFF SON! -- American Idol Foolishness

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LOL!  So this dude with all the confidence in the world auditions for American Idol and just starts busting out all the wrong notes.  Wrong but strong.  Yet the most amusing part was how quickly he went from praising guest judge Mary J Blige, to talkin endless smack about her when he didn't get the responses he wanted to hear.  I effin love it. la LAAAAAAAAAA la la LAAAAA  

Rumor Cakes -- Jay-Z Says He's NOT Part of the Illuminati

Jay-Z rolled up to Hot 97 to speak with Angie Martinez yesterday about the surge of him as well as his wife Beyonce, Swizz Beats and several other entertainers being a part of the "Illuminati Conspiracy.” The demonic undertones in the “On To The Next One” video fueled the rumors even more.
Jay says he does not believe in religion because it separates people, but he does believe in 1 God. And he confirms he’s NOT a part of the Illuminati–“Being a part of a cult is just stupid to me.”
Speaking of Mr. Carter, he and his wife Beyonce were just ranked #1 for the second year in a row as Forbes’ top earning entertainment couple for ‘08-’09:

The “Single Ladies” and “Empire State of Mind” singers sold plenty of records and put their names to high-end ads for American Express and Budweiser between June 2008 and June 2009.

All that business paid off, to the tune of $122 million, the Forbes analysis showed.

BeyoncĂ© wore the financial pants of the house, raking in $87 million in comparison to Jay-Z’s $35 million in chump change.
Bout damn time Black people started topping the Forbes list (other than Oprah!)  Looks like it's cool to be Black these days ;0)

The Long Lost Rapper Files -- Mystikal is OUT of jail

Ohhh it ain't my fault!  New Orleans rapper Mystikal is out of jail after serving six years for sexual battery and extortion.  While there, he got the lovely surprise of also being charged with two federal tax evasion misdemeanors but they gave him a Get Outta Jail Free Card by allowing him to serve out that year sentence simultaneously.
Peep his first interview he just did with his hometown’s hip hop radio station Q93.  AUDIO

VIDEO Cakes -- Plies + Keri Hilson's Medicine

For all you video junkies, here's the newest video by Keri & Plies called "Medicine."  And peep Flavor of Love's Myammee in the video as well.  You likey?

TRAGEDY STRIKES -- Wyclef Asks For YOUR Help With Haiti

Wyclef sprung into action as he arrived in Haiti, his homeland, yesterday and has been helping to put the pieces back together. Check out the video of him and his wife describing the morbid scene.  He estimates 500,000 lives have been lost, and urged that this is beyond a State of Emergency.

CNN has a complete list of VALID charities and ways to help Haiti. CHECK IT HERE
Wyclef’s Yele foundation has already raised $1 mill with people texting “Yele” to 501501 ($5 donation).
American Red Cross has raised a reported $10 mill already with people texting “HAITI” to 90999 ($10 donation).
Other text donation options:
United Way: Text HAITI to 864833 ($5 donation)
Intl Medical Corps: Text HAITI to 85944 ($10 donation)

Haiti has really been through enough.  For those of us with a little extra to spare, every donation does make a difference as you can see by how quickly $5 turned into a $1 million.  I know you think we're in a recession and can't afford to squeeze out a donation, but you haven't even SEEN recession until you've seen Haiti and other poorer parts of the world.
*The U.S. State Department has set up a hotline for information on family members who may be in Haiti: (888) 407.4747. This number is for information on U.S. citizens in Haiti only.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Danger Up to Her Tricks Again -- "Ray J Really IS Bi Sexual"

Ho-hum.  This chick is really starting to irritate me.  First Danger from "For the Love of Ray-J" went on the radio to say that Ray-J is a booty-knocker and was smashing one of his friends named Young Buck (not to be confused with the former G-Unit rapper), then Ray J surprisingly took the mature route and said she's just mad at him for a dispute they had and he's still got love for her.  Aw.  So then she retracted her statements confirming that she was just mad and going through a lot (ya'll know she was in a psychiatric ward and they took her baby away).  Now she's back on the radio (NexxLegacy BlogTalkRadio show) retracting her retracted statement, and suggesting that she was forced by VH1 to apologize to Ray so that she can get her own reality show.  Like this chick needs to publicly air out her craziness and let the world watch her unravel.  Hasn't she learned anything from Whitney and Keyshia Cole?  Some things need to be done in private.  Anyways, she said:

There’s always a power struggle, when you’re dealing with a strong woman. A man has to prove that he’s STRONGER than you . . . [But now] I am super straight.

Me and Ray J had some personal issues. But I am super straight, I’m back on VH1.

And as far as Ray J’s sexuality, here’s what Danger had to say:
INTERVIEWER: So what about the Ray J thing, as far as the whole gay rumor?

 He’s BI. Ray J is BI. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal. It’s not the 80s, it’s not the 90s, it’s 2010. A lot of people are bisexual, it’s not a big deal.

INTERVIEWER: So for the record, in your opinion, he’s bisexual?

 No, I know for A FACT he’s bisexual. I know his BOYFRIEND.
I'm not too keen on believing ANYTHING that flies out of this girl's mouth.  Once you retract three statements in less than a week, your word has no weight.  Plus, you're crazy.  Moving on...